
Any learning environment has to give access to knowledge and then give access to space to experiment that knowledge. CEO’s unique methodology towards learning and development involves a healthy blend of classroom sessions, practical assignments at the workspace, involving interaction with colleagues in work environments. Cross learning and tapping into the vast expertise of themselves and their colleagues is stressed upon. The Learning and Development action plan can be tailor made for each organization based on understanding their goals, budget and work culture.

Opportunities to learn and grow in an organisation is one of the primary factor of unleashing an Employee’s full potential and ensuring Job satisfaction and preventing unnecessary attrition.

Learning solutions for

Front-line employees

To stay relevant to the changing market conditions and maintain a healthy workforce, it’s very crucial to consistently train your front-line employees in various aspects both technical and self-development. With our long experience in the Manufacturing sector, our trainers have the expertise to design and implement impactful training interventions to the grassroots. Our programs start with objectives and end with Post Training follow up on changes witnessed.


We design comprehensive tailor made programs by using latest technologies.

Personal Effectiveness

A unique program carefully crafted to cater the individual needs of the front line.

Experiential Learning

Outbound training programs designed on various aspects like team bonding and communication.

On-the Job Training

We custom design OJTs co creating curriculum with the client.
learning solutions for

Middle Managers

Middle managers are often frustrated by trying to meet the needs of both their superiors and subordinates while feeling as though their own needs are ignored and their efforts under appreciated.

Middle managers are the Translators of organization's strategy & implementation

Jim Harter - Gallup

Prevent Middle managers burn out by training for skill Gaps, mentoring and building interpersonal relationships. While on line education can provide on demand assistance, more Leadership training is best delivered in person because of its focus on Communication.

Next level Leadership

Prepare your next level leadership with this program which broadly covers Change Management, Strategic Thinking, Talent Management and Developing People.

Mentor-Mentee Partnership

This is a powerful program which acts as catalyst in the field of self development by learning through experiences.

Personality Development

Our personality assessments through renowned tools like MBTI, 16PF, MMPI, DISC will support the learning solutions for middle managers.


Coaching has become a buzz word and in the ocean of leadership development programs available today, a common challenge organizations face is that many programs are of a generic nature lacking relevance to organizational challenges. We at CEO approach leadership development as individualized process aimed at enhancing the leader’s ability to achieve organizational and personal development.

Leadership Coaching is a process that aims to improve performance and focuses on the 'here and now' rather than on the distant past or future. Coaching is unlocking a person's potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.

We at CEO Group, use Coaching skills to improve the people performance leading to enhanced Organizational output (again leading to gaining the competitive edge). We have certified Coaches to undertake these professional tasks in various domains thus serving the clients in more than one way.

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