
Truscomp Private Limited (Previously known as CEO TSG IR and Labour Compliance Services Private Limited) is a knowledge partnership venture of CEO Groups and T.S. Gopalan & Co. It is a unique venture which is an amalgam of two entities that specialize in two diverse domains essential for managing people & business. The combined expertise of these two organizations provide sound and in-depth backing force for TrusComp and support to deliver robust end to end solutions to our patrons.

T.S. Gopalan & Co. founded in the year 1976 by Mr.T.S Gopalan, a veteran advocate has been practicing over 5 decades. It is a leading Law firm providing various legal services to international, national and regional corporate companies, banks, non- governmental organizations, associations and government entities. The firm is well-known for its expertise in employment laws.

CEO Group has over the years been helping businesses in Human Resource, organization development, recruitment, compliance and various other business needs.

statutory compliance


Functions such as Labour Law Compliance, Payroll Compliance and facing government authorities demand dedicated time, resources and a high level of competence. To ensure compliance, reduce risk and increase efficiency, companies are outsourcing these functions. In doing so, they need to ensure that the team they are outsourcing to is well versed in the latest developments in local statutory requirements, which are dynamic in nature. The objective of outsourcing has now shifted from merely saving costs to achieving sustained performance improvement.

Our Cloud-Based Platform helps you to Monitor, Manage and Maintain all your Compliance activities in Real-Time

Cloud Based Platform

Instant access to track your real time compliance status at any device

Comprehensive Repository

E-storage of all Statutory Data-Remittances, Returns, Registers & Record Maintenance

Informative Dashboard

Real-time Dashboard to monitor all your company, vendor compliance & facilitate quick action on High Risk Non-Conformities

Compliance Calendar

Workflow management along with statutory dues’ alert


Timely alerts on all statutory Amendments & Notifications


Option to customize internal checklists for each compliance with Exhaustive Audit parameter

The POSH Act mandates every employer to train and sensitise their employees on various aspects of sexual harassment at workplace. Our POSH Awareness video is an effective and practical tool handling this sensitive subject in a simple and impactful way with examples and expert talk.

  • +Is your Organization ready for the new Labour Codes?
    The Government of India proposed to introduce 4 new Labour Codes and consequently 4 new set of rules with effect from 01.04.2021.
  • +What impact does it have on your business?
    The changes proposed have a deep impact on businesses. The changes would not affect business only procedurally but also on the financial aspects and industrial relations.
  • +How CEO can help your business for smooth transition?
    We offer a unique handholding package spread over a period of 6 months to enable businesses implement codes and ensure its smooth transition. The solution would review the financial impact owing to the implementation of the codes on the business advice of minimizing the impact while ensuring the compliance.

The changes to be brought about by Code could have a negative impact on the industrial relations and could be determinative. We shall hand hold you to develop pro-active IR system and ensure that there is no IR challenges.


The changes brought about by the Codes would have substantial regulatory changes. Change in forms, registers, returns, displays, etc. The regulatory aspect for 3rd Party Contractor providing service to an establishment would also undergo changes. We shall ensure a cent percent compliance in this regard.

  • What will be the monetary impact due to the codes
  • How to minimize the financial impact due to the codes
  • What measures should I take to ensure compliance with the Code
  • Do I need to form any committee once the codes come into force
  • Do I need to communicate about the changes to my employees

We at TrusComp with our in-depth legal knowledge thanks to our knowledge partners and many years of experience in handling various industries, provide advisory services for businesses to understand various aspects of this change in the Labour codes and hand-hold them through this transition.

The project would be for 6 months starting in January 2021 with making the organisation ready for the changes and guiding the organisation for a period of three months after the laws are notified (on an assumption the law will be notified on 01.04.21).

IR Advisory Services

For businesses to survive the test of time, it must comply with the laws, as well as maintain sound relationship with its employees. Across industries, employee relations has taken centre stage in their business strategy. Maintaining such industrial relations need a strong and dynamic approach. Our IR advisory services portfolio is a complete package of industrial relations and employee relations management.

  • We are adept at handling complex portfolios involving trade union negotiations
  • Advisory services that handle key IR issues like controlling Labour unrest, implementing layoffs, retrenchments and IR disputes before government authorities
  • Establishments of cordial relationship that result in maintaining rapport between the employers and the employees, trade union leaders, opinion leaders
  • A strong team with legal acumen to deal with various industrial relations and the related laws in situations of internal IR experts
HR function


If you are an organization in the transitions state from small to medium size enterprise and not able to afford a HR manager, our HR advisory consultant can play the role of HR manager to help your organization set up the HR policy and regulations in line with the Labour Laws. Ranging from designing high-level HR strategies to handling day-day conflict resolutions in your organization, our HR manager can help you redefine your Human Resources space as a strategic function.

  • Creation of the best in standard HR policy and rules in compliant with Labour Laws
  • Design and establishment of end to end HR systems and processes
  • Industry standard templates created for every official communication (appointment, confirmation and experience letters)
  • Benchmarking employees and identifying right job bands, job family, compensation and benefits
  • Resolving the disputes and conflicts which arise in work environment