
Man power is an important issue predominantly in large enterprises which has tremendous influence on organizational productivity. It is key for multiskilling and to improve effective manpower utilization with focus on productivity and enrich the quality of the human resource. Thru manpower optimization, organizations can derive best from people and reduce one of the major costs of product produced and hence improve profitability.

The approach CEO team takes to arrive at optimum man power is ground up and largely focused on shopfloor activities. A detailed process study on floor is carried out during production process to capture requisite data. Data gathered is calibrated with supervision staff to ensure all process steps are correctly captured to ensure integrity. Preparation of process flow charts, list of activities, classification of activities – Skilled, Semiskilled & Unskilled based on nature  of task and man power used is critical to ensure right assessment. Using all these inputs, AS-IS Gantt Chart is mapped comprising of -Process Steps, Timing, number of resources involved and type of task. As-is effective utilization is computed to know base line.

HR data and process engineering data (if available) of man power is used for reference during study to match actuals Vs deployed to ensure good hand shake. Post all the study, identification of opportunities, grouping of activities & redeployment based on AS-IS utilization, revised utilization is done to arrive at optimum numbers. Finally, revised effective utilization is compared with as-is to compare and contrast impact of study on utilization and actual numbers required.

As final output, TO-BE charts are prepared based on efforts, Gantt Chart, Process Steps, timing, number of resources required and validated with all stakeholders to get buy-in. Finally, management presentation is done to get buy-in so that they can take it to next level of implementation to derive envisaged benefit.

In conclusion, it is seen from every study that scope to optimize always exist if scientific approach is adopted and all stake holders are involved at all critical stages of project.

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