
The intense competition and fast changing business environment has made one thing very clear to organisations. Need to be continuously improving their operational performance to stay profitable and competitive. Process not performing as expected, plant being frequently down because of equipment or machinery malfunction, frequent quality issues, long change over or set-up times, high conversion costs are no longer acceptable as organisations simply cannot afford these situations. The organizations are increasingly realizing that they have not only to resolve problems on these internal factors which are more in their control, they also need to perfect them and establish a system of continuous improvement in them.

Organizations need to be continuously improving their operational performance to stay profitable and competitive.



Manufacturing Excellence focuses on sustainable, continuous improvement of manufacturing operations to gain competitive edge, lower costs and increase profits.Our 8-step approach for Manufacturing Excellence takes a holistic look at your manufacturing operations and systematically identifies issues and resolves them and, in the process, establishes a system to continuously improve them



Workplace safety is integral to any process oriented business and needs to be given due importance at strategy level for a smooth and efficient flow of operations. The three areas of safety

Physical Environment
Safe Work Procedures
  • +Even if the three areas are being addressed, companies would still have accidents. Why does this happen?
    Having PPE available and procedures that tell people when and how to use the equipment does not guarantee that people will use it. Having guards on machines does not mean people will use the guards. People take short cuts and slip back into at-risk habits. We must add a focus on “behaving” safely.
  • +How does behavior based safety address this?
    Behavior Based Safety is a process that enables managers, supervisors and frontline employees manage behaviors which impact safety, such as wearing PPE, following a precise routine for performing hazardous tasks and so on. This process is based on the science of behavior, which teaches that the most effective way to improve behavior is through a system of observation/measurement, feedback and positive reinforcement.
lean process


Process is core of every organization to produce product or service. Excellence is a mind-set and approach to achieve exemplary outcome out of every process. The lean manufacturing process is a method for creating a more cost-effective business by eliminating wasteful practices and improving efficiency, which in turn saves money and improves overall profitability. Some of the key enablers to achieve process excellence are

Key enablers to achieve process excellence.

  • Process certification
    This is an approach where key components of a process -man, machine, methods and parts are all certified through a structured approach like FMEA, SPC, Operator certification and components certification. This structured approach would ensure all process parameters are operating with least amount of variability and uncertainty which is essential to achieve excellence. This would ensure process is excellent to produce great product or service quality and delivery. The end goal of achieving a great product with optimum cost to achieve exceptional product quality and customer satisfaction can become a reality thru this structured approach coined as “Process certification”.
  • Six Sigma
    List DescriptionAn excellent process demands variability and cycle time are operating at their best, which means 6 sigma levels and cycle time which is optimum. This would ensure great financial benefit as rejections are reduced/eliminated and process cycle time is optimized to reduce cost
  • 5 Why Analysis
    List DescriptioThis is a simple problem-solving technique which can solve majority of problems when applied in a systematic manner. Problems are part of every process and it is critical to ensure that a proper technique is used to resolve them to get desired outcome. 5 Why analysis is a simple technique which can be learnt and applied very easily by one and all.n
  • Kaizen
    Continuous improvement is a key to ensure process performance enhances on an ongoing basis. Using a simple technique like Kaizen, improvements can be achieved on all aspects like quality, cost, delivery, safety etc; of a process. It also ensures operators active engagement and utilizes their talent.t Description
  • 5S
    As a part of lean technique 5S is a key component to ensure work place management is done scientifically to ensure “everything has a pace and everything is in its place” to achieve highest level of work place standards. All great companies practice this technique and able to showcase their work place standards.
Theory of


Every real system such as a profit-making enterprise must have at least one constraint that limits the system in achieving its Goal. Every ‘profit organization’ will have a constraint in Supply, Operations, or Market. Current constraint may shift, but there cannot be any situation when there is no constraint. Had it been so, its profit would have been infinite!

We can help you in identifying the constraint in your business process and improve significantly the Throughput, On-time-delivery in full, Cash Flow and Profit through use of proven TOC methodology.